Does Reflexology Work?

Richmond Reflexology and Natural Healing

In short, yes!

Reflexology is known to help with common ailments like aches and pain, headaches, migraines, stress, anxiety and many other physical, mental, psychological and neurological issues. With roots going far back through the histories of India, China and African civilizations, reflexology is a modernized branch of natural healing and alternative medicine. Since the early 1900s it has become a widely accepted form of non-invasive alternative medicine.

The results of reflexology can be diverse and beneficial for different periods of time depending on the type of medical concern. Some patients report immediate relief from chronic symptoms after just one session. Others may find the first session painful, but feel the relief after a few visits. Many of our patients book reflexology regularly to maintain their health and get a physical tune-up. Long-term care generally prevents more serious issues and worsening health conditions.

A certified and experienced reflexology practitioner is able to estimate the type and duration of care you need. But some of the prescribed care involves home exercises, massaging, nerve stimulation and other techniques to provide holistic wellness. Similar to a workout stimulating your muscles, reflexology stimulates and strengthens your nerve connections and in both cases, consistency is key for a healthy result. In addition, reflexology is an alternative form of medicine but is supplementary to primary care. Be sure to consult your family doctor for medical care as well.

We are happy to discuss how reflexology can help you personally and we will work with you to track your progress before and after a few sessions so that you can see the benefits for yourself.

Click or call to book a session now!

Reflexology Holistic Healing

Reflexology is a non-invasive therapy that facilitates your body's natural healing process through pressure points on your feet, hands or head. Practitioners of reflexology are trained to stimulate pressure (qi) points on the feet that correspond to specific areas of the body. By applying gentle massage techniques to pressure points, your body's nervous system is activated to heal the problem areas on your body. 

Holistic healing is purely topical and a relaxing alternative to medicine and pharmaceuticals. Keeping the body naturally healthy is important, so reflexology practitioners can suggest a series of diet, exercise and meditation that can improve overall wellness. 

The effectiveness of reflexology is seen in many clients, some of whom travel across the country to continue reflexology treatments. We work with all ages and lifestyles to bring full body healing through a completely natural approach.

Call us today at 778-228-7550 to schedule your next appointment.


How Does Reflexology Work?

Think of it like a massage for your nervous system. Reflexology practitioners use their hands and small massage tools to stimulate pressure points on your feet or hands. There are three common steps to reflexology treatment.

Step 1: Discovery

The practitioner uses oils or lotions to soften the skin around your feet using gentle massage techniques. They will then apply slight pressure to different points on each foot. Most times this is not painful, however you may feel slight pain or tingles as they press around your foot. This is normal, as the practitioner will use the pain areas to determine where treatment is needed. As reflexology focuses on the synergy of nerves in your feet with corresponding parts of your body, the practitioner may ask if you have a specific issue. A common example is for those with regular headaches will usually feel the pain on the big toe, as this corresponds with the head. The goal of this step is to identify the possible sources of aches, pains and discomfort.

Step 2: Treatment

A licensed practitioner will suggest a treatment plan that may include further sessions, other massages or check-ups, stretching or exercises you can do at home, breathing techniques, home remedies or naturopathic solutions, or a combination of these. You will get plenty of information for how to treat your specific ailments as well as tips to maintain your general health. Reflexology practitioners also study muscle, bone, organ and skin conditions, so they can offer a range of solutions for truly holistic wellbeing.

Step 3: Aftercare 

Reflexology is a holistic lifestyle solution, so it's important to follow your practitioner's suggestions after your session too. Your treatment plan may include simple techniques like pressing specific points on your hands or feet. There may also be tools involved like a 'spiky ball' for myofascial release or foam rollers for relief on larger muscles. Consistency is key and it can be useful to check-in with your practitioner for other ideas or to get a tune-up. 

We look forward to helping you be your best self. 

Click or call to schedule your next visit! 

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